I will see what I can do.  I will probably have more questions about it
though.  Thank  you.

On 10/9/07, Chad Petersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I use a custom action to set a property and then use that property to
> create the shortcut on the client desktop. However, I also display a dialog
> so the user can specify the name of the server. Without passing in the name
> of the server I don't see how it can know which machine to use.
> <CustomAction Id ="TARGET1" Property="TARGET1" 
> Value="http://[WEBSERVER_NAME]:[PORT_NUMBER]/E3Container
> "/>
> <Custom Action ="TARGET1" Before="CreateShortcuts" />
> <Shortcut Id ="E3DesktopShortcut" Description="INTERLINQ E3 " Name="
> INTERL_1" LongName ="Interlinq E3" Show ="normal" Directory="DesktopFolder
> " Target="[TARGET1]" >
> </Shortcut >
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Jessi Darling [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 09, 2007 10:04 AM
> *To:* Chad Petersen
> *Cc:* wix-users
> *Subject:* Re: [WiX-users] Any Ideas?
> Is there a way that it can be done?
> On 10/9/07, *Chad Petersen* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, basically, you're wanting the client install to search the server for
> the Component? I think ComponentSearch, since it is running in the context
> of the MSI on the client, won't look to another machine for that info.
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ] *On Behalf Of *Jessi Darling
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 09, 2007 9:50 AM
> *To:* wix-users
> *Subject:* [WiX-users] Any Ideas?
> I ultimately want to install the main program with all the dlls on the
> server side, then be able to run the client install that adds the shortcuts
> on the desktop and all the other appropriate places that points to the
> single main executable on the server.
> I am running a component search to search for a pre-existing executable in
> order to append the shortcuts to it.  The client install will work fine if I
> install it from the same machine that installed the main program.  However,
> when I switch to another computer and try to run the client install, it
> isn't finding the component.  Any ideas on how to fix this?
> Here is my search.
> <Property Id="SEARCH">
>   <ComponentSearch Id="Executable"
> Guid="D986E82B-3377-4ee5-8ECA-2CA84AAB408C">
>     <FileSearch Id="FILE" LongName="BirdDogWM.exe "/>
>   </ComponentSearch>
> </Property>
> This is where I call it.
> <Component Id='FileLink' Guid='{4D3AB1D9-9138-47db-A932-A404F3D24EBD}'>
>   <Shortcut Id="startmenuBirdDog" Directory="ProgramMenuDir"
> Name="BirdDog" Advertise="no"
>       LongName="Web Manager" Icon="WebManager.exe" IconIndex="0"
>       Target="[SEARCH]"/>
>   <Shortcut Id="desktopWebManager" Directory="DesktopFolder"
> Name="BirdDog" Advertise="no"
>       LongName="Web Manager" Icon="WebManager.exe" IconIndex="0"
>       Target="[SEARCH]"/>
> </Component>
> --
> Jessica Darling
> --
> Jessica Darling

Jessica Darling
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