I appreciate the feedback.
Can you log bugs on sourgeforge for both issues you mentioned. I'm looking at
putting some significant time into fixing bugs in WiX over the next few months
and its easiest for me to track all of them if they are all logged on
With bugs, you will also be able to track when the bug gets fixed.
From: Cristian N. Baiu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 8:19 PM
To: Peter Marcu
Cc: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Fw: [WiX-users] Fw: Some STUPID Limitations in WiX
Hello Peter,
Thanks again for your answers. Melt is great for me.
However, from what I have tested so far, I got stuck with it because of a bug
(I am using Wix 3.0.3307.0).
In the generated wxs, every "Source" attribute of the "File" element contents
the modularization guid in double -
like: "SourceDir\File\MyFile.ext.MSM_GUID.MSM_GUID".
I have debuged my melt version (3.0.3307.0) and found the problem in
When the the output type is Module I have
file.Source = String.Concat("SourceDir", Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, "File",
Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, file.Id, '.', this.modularizationGuid.Substring(1,
36).Replace('-', '_'));
But the file.Id already contains the modularization GUID, so it would not be
necessary to append it again.
I will correct the problem and build my own melt, but I would also like to have
this problem corrected if possible in a future WIX release, so that I wouldn't
be forced to integrate and build it everytime I need to update my WIX version.
In addition, I must say I'm disappointed that melt hardcodes "SourceDir" in the
file source path instead of resolving it with the path provided through the -x
switch. Due to this, it cannot be used "as it is" in an automated build
process. I hope this would also be fixed someday.
Thanks a lot,
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