We overcome this issue by setting the install IP address to a property value.  
The property value is set (for default purposes) within the WiX file; however, 
we have added a custom dialog that allows the Install User to override the 
property value with a User-input one.
Whether the default value or a User-input one is the actual IP address used, we 
persist the value to the machine registry for use on uninstall.  
Note: This does introduce a risk if someone invalidates the value in the 
registry, but we accept that risk for the benefit installing to IP addresses 
that may be unknown at the time that the MSI is built.
<Property Id="WEBADDRESSIP_DEV" Value="">   <RegistrySearch 
Id="DevIpSearch" Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Crawford\[APPREGKEY]\IpAddresses" 
Name="Development" Type="raw" /></Property>
<Component Id="CreateTemplateAppPool" 
Guid="0D9804CB-CEE4-4D2D-8B9B-A8455AC035E4">    <WebAppPool 
Id="TemplateAppPool" Identity="networkService" IdleTimeout="20" 
MaxWorkerProcesses="1" Name="[APPPOOLNAME]" QueueLimit="4000" 
RecycleMinutes="1740" /></Component><Component Id="CreateTemplateWebSiteDev" 
Guid="54A19EA6-828D-45CA-9CB4-06E989E0CB66">    <WebSite 
Id="TemplateWebSiteDev" AutoStart="no" ConnectionTimeout="120" 
Description="[WEBSITEDESC]" Directory="INSTALLLOCATION" StartOnInstall="no" 
DirProperties="VDirProperties">     <WebAddress Id="TemplateWebAddressDev" 
IP="[WEBADDRESSIP_DEV]" Port="80" />     <WebApplication 
Id="TemplateWebApplicationDev" AllowSessions="yes" Buffer="yes" 
ClientDebugging="no" DefaultScript="VBScript" Name="[WEBAPPLICATIONNAME]" 
ServerDebugging="no" SessionTimeout="20" WebAppPool="TemplateAppPool" />    
</WebSite></Component><Component Id="CreateWebSiteDevKey" 
Guid="A89D6667-C0F1-485C-9F2B-3A65F9676920">    <Registry Id="WebSiteDevKey" 
Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Crawford\[APPREGKEY]\IpAddresses" Name="Development" 
Action="write" Type="string" Value="[WEBADDRESSIP_DEV]" /></Component>David 

23:04:28 +0100Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wierd IIS issue with Wix 

WiX only looks at the combination of IP address(es), port number, and Host 
header. If any of those have been changed post-installation, the custom action 
may either not uninstall or uninstall the wrong site.
The problem here is that IIS’s metabase schema does not offer anywhere for WiX 
to put a cookie that the user cannot subsequently edit (there is a Comment 
field but that’s user-editable). In theory, WiX should generate the site number 
and store it elsewhere (e.g. in the registry), but the current WiX schema 
doesn’t allow you to specify a registry path to store it in.
Mike Dimmick

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Pierson Lee 
(Volt)Sent: 10 August 2007 21:27To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [WiX-users] Wierd IIS 
issue with Wix install/uninstall
I am currently installing 4 sites packaged with WiX. I have it installing 
app_pools, sites and the necessary files and file structures with each of these 
4 on the same server. I noticed some weird behavior today, particularly in 
When I go to uninstall one of my sites, its not deleting the right metabase 
So for instance, I install SiteA, SiteB, SiteC, and SiteD. When installing they 
are installed in W3SVC/2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. (I don’t know why they are 
always sequential starting at the lowest possible number, but that seems to be 
a feature of WiX). When uninstalling SiteC (which was installed at W3SVC/4) it 
is attempting to uninstall the metabase path at W3SVC/2.
I’ve caught it doing this a couple times now and I would like to know A) where 
does it look to determine where the site was installed at and B) how to 
fix/prevent this.
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