My sanity has been restored, I figured it out.


The problem was I had some features set to Level="0" and was doing
debug/release checks to figure out what feature to use and setting the
level appropriately.  Well when I broke out the project into fragments I
moved debug/release into different fragments as I was getting yelled at
because it looked like I was trying to install the same thing twice,
even though only one would be installed, and from two different sources
(blah.dll from release or debug).  I would just link the debug or
release version of the fragments when I built the installer.


The problem was I forgot to reset the levels on the features to
accommodate this.


The other problem is it was causing custom actions to fail so the
install never completed so I never went looking for the dlls, and when
it was built without compression the files were in the directory tree,
just not installed.


Thanks for trying to help!


Brian Poploskie


From: Bob Arnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 11:58 PM
To: Brian Poploskie
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] File Paths and Fragments


Brian Poploskie wrote: 

I switched to WiX 3.0.2925.0 and still had the same problem.  Strangely
enough I broke it down to a really small test case and it worked fine.
This was a direct copy and paste of the custom actions/files/and
scheduling.  They're both in approximate the same place in the install
sequence 4001 to 4016, after Install Files, so well within the range
where the references will still be valid.  I'm not getting an invalid
foreign key reference so it acknowledges those files are there.

Can you post a fragment? Nothing's coming to mind so far...

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