The infor below was posted on the mail list:
Re: [WiX-users] WiX 3.0 wixca.dll QtExec
Erlichmen, Shay
Wed, 21 Feb 2007 03:51:59 -0800
There is a documentation mistake in WiX3 chm, you need to replace the
Id="wixca" with Id="WixCA and remove the Binary element.
Then you will need to add WixUtilExtension to light using -ext switch.
<Property Id="QtExecCmdLine" Value="command line to run"/>
<CustomAction Id="QtExec" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="CAQuietExec"
Execute="immediate" Return="check"/>
<Custom Action="QtExec" After="TheActionYouWantItAfter"/>
The problem i am having is that i am getting this error becusei am no longer
including the binary.
c:\test\app\unify\unify.wxs(150) : error LGHT0094 : Unresolved reference to
symbol 'Binary:wixca' in section Fragment:unify_drivers'.
now i know that is because i no longer am including wixca.dll in the binary
table. if the CAQuietExec function is now included in WixUtilExtension,
what is the proper code then to make the call?
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