Thanks for all the help. I'm going with NSIS though, I suspect.

On Sun, 2007-06-17 at 21:29 -0700, Bob Arnson wrote:
> Jerome Haltom wrote:
> > Sure, but if my merge modules components are merged into the package
> > installers components, then a major upgrade of the package, which ended
> > up using a different version of my merge module, would result in the
> > components in my old merge modules being unreferenced and removed if
> > those same components don't exist in the new version of the merge
> > module. 
> That's true only if you:
> - Force consuming products to use only major upgrades (i.e., no patching).
> - Force consuming products to use "early" RemoveExistingProducts 
> sequencing (i.e., not the more efficient placements).
> > Also, if I "change" a component in my merge module, in a compatible way,
> > can I include the *new* version of the component (same file name) with
> > the same component id, in the new merge module, and have packages which
> > include my merge module replace the existing file with the new version
> > (thus upgrading the old application, without breaking it, as long as my
> > upgraded component is compatible).
> >   
> You can upgrade components' resources but you can't change their 
> composition (i.e., no new files).

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