You should also note that when doing patches, you need to add a removefile 
entry in order to remove files. For update/add you must update the keypath file 
of a component in order to see changes in the component during patching. 
Ideally, when adding new files, they are in their own component. Is this what 
you are currently doing?

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bob Arnson
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 8:27 AM
To: Grant Wagner
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Patching Wix generated msis

Grant Wagner wrote:
Reciently, we have grown a need to starting patching our application in 
production. Using the technique at seems to produce nice 
results until we starting adding or removing files. At which point it failes 
completely. New files are always added, removed files are never removed, and 
modified files are always left in their old revisions. It's important to note 
that we have a application which will scan our dynamic directories and add to 
the wix file all files and directories it finds, and I'm afraid that this is 
causing issues for us.

If you're generating your IDs and GUIDs, then you won't realistically be able 
to create patches. See, for example,
 for why.


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