
I have a package build with InstallShield deployed out there I'd like to 
upgrade using an msi authored with WiX. The deployed package has a version like 
'1.0.1', the one I'm working is "1.0.2".
Here is the Upgrade sequence in my wxs file:

<Upgrade Id="C466B4D2-CFF9-4880-9910-D95248AAABEB">
    <UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect="yes" Property="PREVFOUND" Maximum="1.0.2" 
    <UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect="yes" Property="NEWERFOUND" Minimum="1.0.2" 

The Id attribute value of Upgrade tag is the same as the one displayed within 
InstallShield UI's for the upgrade code of the package created with it. As far 
as I understand (http://www.tramontana.co.hu/wix/lesson4.php), the PREVFOUND 
property should have attached the Product GUID during FindRelatedProducts 
action. While looking through the logs, nothing appears to be found and no 
upgrade is performed. All that is logged related to PREVFOUND is this: 

"SecureCustomProperties = NEWERFOUND;PREVFOUND"

Any ideas?


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