I have a deferred custom action that works from a configuration file on
disk. At present I am installing the configuration file along with all
my other files and passing the file path to the custom action (from
where it is read in). I currently haven't got scope to change the custom
However I was wondering whether it is possible to embed the config file
in the binary table. I'm not sure how this stuff works, do the binary
elements automatically get written to some temp location by the
installer ? and therefore could I reference the path to the temp file in
a propery, or would I need to write the temp file as part of another
custom action and then set the property value (which I think is probably
the case) ? 
Ideally I would like to pass the path as follows:
<CustomAction Id="CASetProperty" Return="check" Property="CAProp"
Value="[PathToConfigFile]" />
What are the options for achieving this?


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