Hi All,

Thanks for the reply, but that doesn't do it for me.  If I use this
code, all of the features are disabled since none of the property values
are set initially.  As a reminder, I set property values in a CA called
from a UI before the CustomizeDlg is called.  Since I can't seem to
Feature conditions to evaluate at the time of the CustomizeDlg call, is
there some MSI function I can call from C in my UI that can set the
Feature Level in the database?

-----Original Message-----
>Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 11:01:13 -0700
>From: "Aaron Shurts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Disabling features in the CustomizeDlg based>
>       on      UIinteraction...
>To: "Pally Sandher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Cc: Lewis Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>       wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>I use this very successfully actually and have not had any problems
>it.  My feature declaration looks like this:
><Feature Id="MyFeature" Title="My Application Feature" Display="hidden"
>Level="1" ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR" AllowAdvertise="no">
>   <ComponentRef Id="MyInstallComponent" />
>   <Condition Level="1"><![CDATA[MY_NEEDED_PROPERTY]]></Condition>
>   <Condition Level="0"><![CDATA[NOT MY_NEEDED_PROPERTY]]></Condition>
>The "Condition" tag sets the feature to 1 or 0 based on the presence of
>[MY_NEEDED_PROPERTY].  I use this in several different installs and it
>great.  For instance I have an install where the client and server
>components are in the same install and you can't install both on the
>box.  That is where this example comes from as a matter of fact.  You
>go even further to place conditions on the individual components that
>for the install actions of particular features to ensure the desired
>installation behavior.
>See the following for more information:

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