Hi again.

I'm just about ready to go, and while testing today, I notice that one of my 
custom actions isn't running during the uninstall.

I've put it in the UIInstallSequence thus:

       <Custom Action="MyUninstallAction" 

But it doens't seem to run.

What I've seen implies that the UI sequence isn't run on an add/remove 
programs uninstall.  Is that really the case?

What I really want to do is this:

If the user is upgrading the current version with any upgrade (major or 
minor), I don't want to run the action.
If the user is uninstalling this version from Add/remove programs, or via 
msiexec /uninstall, I'd like to run the action.
In any cases I've missed above, I want to run the action (I don't think 
there are any, but for completeness, I'll specify it to run)

Is there any way to achieve this?

Anthony Wieser
Wieser Software Ltd

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