

Nested installs (running one MSI from within another) are not supported
by Microsoft Installer.


You need to use a bootstrapper. Check the archives of this mailing list
for suggestions.






[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Schrieken,
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 4:25 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] Q: Nested Installation (CA 7, 23, 39)


Hi all,


Is there a specific reason that you cann't author a nested installation
(Custom Action 7, 23, 39) in Wix or is it just missing? I checked
Compiler.cs in the 2.0 tree and I think I shoud be able to squeeze that
in in ParseCustomActionElement but before getting my hands dirty I
wonder if there are any warnings or earlier unsuccesfull attempts.


Or have I overlooked another way to kick start another msi?






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