Surround the command line argument with " to produce
double quotes in the compiled MSI. " is an XML standard and is replaced
by the parser with double quotes. For example:
-u "[USERNAME]" -k "[SERIAL]"
will show up as this in the MSI:
-u "[USERNAME]" -k "[SERIAL]"
Also, when I specify custom actions where I'm running a .exe program, I usually
wrap the .exe filename with "'s just in case the path where the program is
located or installed has spaces in it.
From: "Thomas B" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 6:29 AM
Subject: [WiX-users] Can you pass parameters in quotes?
<CustomAction Return="asyncWait" ExeCommand="-u [USERNAME] -k [SERIAL] "
Id="CA_POSTLAUNCH" FileKey="reg.exe" />
if the username entered has a space inn it (which Names usually have) it fails,
it doesnt send -u Firstname Lastname. What fixes are there?
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