DEXK JAHN, GXbor wrote:

> Forcing IE in any way in an installation (unless you do it for a
> company-internal setup where you know for sure what the default
> browsers are) is not downright rude, it has already been reached the
> level of being counter-productive. I can only speak for myself, but I

A shortcut to a hyperlink is simply an ini file, so you just create a 
file in your install:

eg. google.url

Then create a standard wix shortcut to it.

This works all the way back to NT4 (not tried Win9x as I don't support 
it, but can't see why it wouldn't).

You could probably make something using the wix ini functions as well 
but I've not tried that - since the URLs don't change it's just as easy 
to have the files there.

Forcing the browser goes beyond unfriendly IMO especially when there's 
no need to do it.


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