Hello Folks,

I am using toolset 3.0.2420.0.  With the minimal code below, *I am unable to 
uninstall files from any path except the default path*.  It took me a couple of 
days to track down what was happening.  Initially I assumed I had messed up 
something simple.  After much frustration I finally moved out of the real 
codebase to create this simple repro.  Please note, you will need to modify 
line 44 with a proper path on your machine.

If you comment line 26, and uncomment 27 (creating a per-machine install), then 
you can comment lines 33-42 and install / uninstall work fine in the default or 
user-modified locations.  HOWEVER, if you use PersonalFolder (leaving the code 
as-is), line 33 is needed to remove error LGHT0204:ICE38, and line 42 is 
required to remove error LGHT0204:ICE64.  We are left with warning LGHT1076, 
which as I understand it is unavoidable.

Install and uninstall work fine for the default path.  However, if the user 
changes the path at install time to something other than PersonalFolder, the 
install will work, but uninstall will not.  That's to say, the UI for uninstall 
appears, you can choose Remove, registry keys, start menu items, etc are 
removed, but *the files are left on the system*.  I have even tried adding a 
RemoveFile to no avail.

Please help.  I don't understand why it is so difficult to uninstall 
"per-user".  Thank you very much.


Line 0 <?xml version='1.0'?>
    Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

<Wix xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi'>

  <!-- Product Name is what ends up in Add/Remove Programs -->
  <Product Id='7CBA4DA6-D28E-4f75-8548-75AD8B01133D'
           Manufacturer='MinRepro Man'>

    <Package Description='MinRepro'
             Comments="MinRepro Man's MinRepro"
             Compressed='yes' />

    <Media Id='1' Cabinet='minrepro.cab' EmbedCab='yes' />

    <!-- Build Directory Structure -->
    <!-- TARGETDIR is a virtual starting directory -->
    <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
26      <Directory Id='PersonalFolder' Name='PFiles'>
27      <!--<Directory Id='ProgramFilesFolder' Name='PFiles'>-->
          <Directory Id='INSTALLDIR' Name='MinRepro'>

          <Component Id="Component_ReproFolder" 

            <!-- Required for install to PersonalFolder, not required for 
ProgramFilesFolder -->
33            <RegistryKey Id='RegKey_HKCU_MinRepro'
                         Key='Software\MinRepro Man\MinRepro'

              <RegistryValue Name='Component_ReproFolder' Value='true' 
Type='string' KeyPath='yes' />

            <!-- Required for install to PersonalFolder, not required for 
ProgramFilesFolder -->
42            <RemoveFolder Id="RemoveFolder_ReproFolder" On="uninstall" />

44            <File Id="File_1" Name="msg.txt" Source="D:\test\msg.txt" />


    <!-- Components to be installed for this feature -->
    <Feature Id='SourceCode' Title='Source Code' Level='1'>

      <ComponentRef Id='Component_ReproFolder' />


    <!-- Install type - user may choose their own directory -->
    <Property Id='WIXUI_INSTALLDIR' Value='INSTALLDIR' />
    <UIRef Id='WixUI_InstallDir' />
    <UIRef Id='WixUI_ErrorProgressText' />


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