
I'm a very casual WiX (and Windows) user.  Forgive me if this is a
trivial question.  After switching to a new machine and upgrading to
WiX 2.0.4820.0 (from an about-2-year-old version of WiX), I have two
problems I didn't have before:

Installing the .msi file also pops up the dialog explaining msiexec's
command line options: Looking at the task manager, a second instance
of msiexec seems to have started.

Also, a CustomAction that previously worked:

    <!-- declare building of scheme48.image -->
    <!-- /v:off needed to avoid mangling !s on some systems -->
    <CustomAction Id="build_usual_image"
                  ExeCommand='[SystemFolder]cmd.exe /v:off /c 
build\build-usual-image.bat "[INSTALLDIR]" "[INSTALLDIR]scheme" 
"[INSTALLDIR]scheme48.image" "[INSTALLDIR]scheme48vm.exe" 
                  Return="check" />

... now hangs.  The cmd.exe window pops up, but no output.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla

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