That is helpful.  So, here's a bit more of breakdown:

1.  8 seconds,                  actual WiX processing (linking)
2.  3 minutes 30 seconds,       calculating file hashes and assembly information
3.  5 minutes,                  compressing files
4.  < 20 seconds,               actual WiX processing to create MSI
5.  2 minutes, 30 seconds,      ICE validation
6.  1 minute, 30 seconds,       move files to the appropriate location

Total: ~13 minutes

It looks like 8+ minutes of your 13 minute build time is spent in disk IO.  How 
many files are in your setup?  I expect the majority of the CPU time is spent 
in file hashing and compression.  I've also seen virus checkers completely 
annihilate build performance.  If you can disable your virus checker from 
scanning your build directories and TEMP drive (or move to %WIXTEMP%), I've 
seen that help a lot.  A fragmented or full hard drive can also be bad for perf.

Another 2 minutes appears to be spent in ICE validation.  ICE validation can be 
processor intensive and can take a while.  Unfrotunately, the Windows Installer 
team is the only one that can improve the perf of that.  You can turn off 
validation but you'll miss the things it catches.

Finally, about 2 minutes is spent creating the MSI and move all of the built 
files into a single release location.  That seems to be a bit long so it really 
makes me wonder if you have a virus checker working hard.

-----Original Message-----
From: André Pönitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 12:24 AM
To: Rob Mensching;
Subject: RE: [WiX-users] light bogging down my machine

Rob Mensching wrote:
> What version of the WiX toolset are you using?

Microsoft (R) Windows Installer Xml Linker version 3.0.2211.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2003. All rights reserved.

> That sounds like an unexpected performance problem.

Glad to hear that it is unexpected ;-)

> It would
> be awesome if you wanted to do a little profiling to see if
> there is one particular part of the processing that takes
> longer than others.

Just tell me what to do.

> The verbose switch *might* give you enough info to track
> down when light goes into "hog your machine mode".

I just recorded the wall clock time for several stages.
Maybe this helps in any way..

09:06:11  [Start]
09:06:17  Updating file information.
09:09:49  Creating cabinet files.
           [Write 14 .cabs of varying size]
09:14:41  Generating database
09:14:xx  start ICEs
09:16:37  Laying out media
09:17:09  [Done]

There is sufficient space on all partitions.
All NTFS on WinXP Pro. All from a plain cmd.exe.


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