Hopefully you haven't already distributed the first MSI.  If so, you might have a problem.  You need to set the NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE condition in the original MSI (the one you are upgrading now).  When you upgrade an existing MSI, the cached MSI is called to perform the uninstall, the new MSI doesn't have any control over how the custom actions run.  The Windows Installer Team wrote a great blog entry about how you should test your MSI before deploying it ( http://blogs.msdn.com/windows_installer_team/archive/2006/07/28/681358.aspx).


On 9/14/06, Simon Burgess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ah yes thank you, this compiles now however when I run the new msi on top of an existing installation (major upgrade) it still runs the InstallPerfCounter custom action AND then the UninstallPerfCounter custom action as before


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Dana Gutride
Sent: 14 September 2006 15:52

To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Sequencing issue with a major upgrade



It seems that you may have put the condition inside of the wrong element.  That condition should go in the <Custom Action /> elements in the InstallExecuteSequence not in the <CustomAction /> element that define the custom action and it's properties.


On 9/14/06, Simon Burgess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I get the following compile error with your example:


The CustomAction element contains illegal inner text: 'REMOVE="ALL"


When you say something like the sample is thre something else I need to do, apologies I'm not familiar with this syntax


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Dana Gutride
Sent: 13 September 2006 21:48
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Sequencing issue with a major upgrade



Try something like this:

<Custom Action="" After="RemoveFiles"><![CDATA[REMOVE="ALL" AND NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE]]></Custom>
The UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE property is set during the upgrade and available during the previous product removal.


On 9/13/06, Simon Burgess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



Does anyone know how I can sequence a custom action so that it is run during an uninstall (before the files are removed) but not run as part of a major upgrade when I RemoveExistingProducts? I have the following source:


<CustomAction Id='AlreadyUpdated' Error='[ProductName] version [ProductVersion]is already installed.' />

                <CustomAction Id='NoDowngrade' Error='A later version of [ProductName] is already installed.' />
                <CustomAction Id='InstallPerfCounter' FileKey ='installservice.bat'
                        ExeCommand='&quot;[INSTALLDIR]Exchange\Enterprise Library\Caching\bin&quot;' Return='check'/>
                <CustomAction Id='UninstallPerfCounter' FileKey ='installservice.bat'
                        ExeCommand='&quot;/u&quot; &quot;[INSTALLDIR]Exchange\Enterprise Library\Caching\bin&quot;' Return='check'/>

                        <?if $(var.BuildType) != Dev ?>
                                <Custom Action='' After='FindRelatedProducts'>PATCHFOUND</Custom>
                                <Custom Action='' After='FindRelatedProducts'>NEWERFOUND</Custom>
                        <RemoveExistingProducts After='InstallFinalize' />
                        <LaunchConditions After='AppSearch' />
                        <Custom Action="" After="InstallFinalize">NOT Installed</Custom>
                        <Custom Action="" Before="RemoveFiles">Installed</Custom>

Currently when I author and run a major upgrade, it runs the InstallPerfCounter custom action first and at the end runs the UninstallPerfCounter custom action so I end up with no perf counters installed.


Any help appreciated.


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