We do product line development also ( but not localized due to the industry that I'm in )  and while considerations do feed into how we componentize, arrange and build the projects do result of this, I think of that as product line, build automation and source control issues more then I do windows installer issues. 
I was actually referring to more concrete requirements like install files, register services, ectera....  I'm not sure how to document those designs other then to reference windows installer patterns and document custom patterns on the occasional exceptions when MSI won't handle what you need.

Derek Cicerone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There’s actually quite a bit that can be done in designing how a wix setup is organized and integrated with a build process.  It becomes particularly interesting for groups which ship 40 languages times a hundred or so SKUs (you can guess who these groups might be) because the amount of authoring and time it takes to build everything is a significant factor.  The area that always seems to take the most time is figuring out how to integrate wix with existing build processes and also figuring out a good design for building localized setups.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Christopher Painter
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 4:29 AM
To: Frederik Carlier; Joseph Barkley; wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] WiX Consultant Available?
I thought of that myself  but since Joseph said he wants the `design` reviewed before it went to a remote team for implementation I'm not sure there would be an MSI output to inspect.
`Design` for installers is interesting eitherway.  WindowsInstaller has so many patterns built into it that I'm not there really is much to design anyways.  It's more about just using the MSI or WiX schema designs that exist and implementing the relationships of what you are trying to install.  If there is more that can be done on the design front, I've been getting away without doing it for years. :)

Frederik Carlier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You may try looking for a MSI consultant, in general. They should, at least, be able to inspect the output MSI.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joseph Barkley
Sent: woensdag 14 juni 2006 23:39
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] WiX Consultant Available?
I have posted this before on the WiX-users list before, but got only one response and it was from Rob M. who basically said that he'd like to do it but didn't think he could. Is there anyone who is or knows of a consultant that my group can hire to review my setup design? This is the first MSI based install that we have done (all previous installs were InstallScript based), and my tail is basically on the line. I have an InstallShield MSI training course under my belt, but no real world MSI experience except for the R&D I have done on WiX.

Our project has to use WiX because of the requirements, and the only consultants I can find for setup work at from Macrovision. I'm pretty certain that they might not enjoy being consultants for a project where we are going to be using an open source competitor to their InstallShield product. The job is in Nashville, TN. We may be able to work out remoting if you don't live in this area. My manager has asked me about this again and I'd really like to get someone good in here who can review my design before our remote team does the implementation.

Joseph Barkley
Software Engineer
Square D Company
La Vergne, TN
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