Hi all,

I'd like to start preparing for the creation of the release-4.4 branch and the 
4.4.0 release. I've come up with the following tentative schedule, which will 
give us a 4.4.0 release on August 21st:

Jun 11 : Release 4.3.0rc1 (done)
Jul 17 : Release 4.3.0
Jul 31 : Release 4.3.1
Aug  5 : Create the release-4.4 branch and switch the master branch version to 
Aug  7 : Release 4.4.0rc1
Aug 21 : Release 4.4.0

If you need to delay any of the above, particularly the creation of the 
release-4.4 branch, please let me know.

I plan on releasing 4.2.7 and 4.0.17 on August 21st as well. In accordance with 
our support lifecycle policy this will be the last 4.0.x release.

This will also likely be the last release that uses an odd minor version for development 
releases and an even minor version for stable releases. We will instead use 
"rc" suffixes for development releases and simply increment the minor release 
number for each stable release.
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