On Fri, Jan 26, 2024, 4:27 AM Linux Smiths <linuxsmi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Can someone confirm this or if anyone has used wireshark/tshark to decode
> RPC streams greater than 4GB your confirmation will be helpful too. Btw
> I've tried all the protocol preferences and nothing helps.
> Thanks,
> LS
It's a known issue, sorry, that affects anything over TCP that needs
desegmentation. That's when the TCP sequence number rolls over. See here:



Fixing it involves having some kind of extended sequence number and
changing certain lookups for old segments. Unlike an ordinary network
stack, Wireshark (and and also tshark, even in one pass mode) can't just
discard old segments but keeps information around so that random packet
access is possible.

John Thacker
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