I'm confused. I just realized that now that I only have the "tcp.port"
defined (dissector_add_uint_range_with_preference("tcp.port",
ZABBIX_TCP_PORTS, zabbix_handle)), and I disable Zabbix protocol (in
Analyze -> Enabled Protocols), then Wireshark sees the TLS packets
properly and can decrypt the packets with the embedded secrets.
If I have Zabbix protocol enabled, then Wireshark shows only TCP
protocol packets (no TLS or Zabbix).
I thought that when my Zabbix dissector (that handles the TCP 10051
packets first before any heuristic dissectors) sees that the magic bytes
do not match (because of the encryption) and thus returns 0, then the
TLS heuristic dissector would kick in automatically. Apparently that
does not happen. Have I understood something incorrectly?
If I enable TCP protocol preference "Try heuristic sub-dissectors
first", then TLS is detected correctly, but Zabbix inside the TLS is not
detected (even though Zabbix protocol is enabled at this point). Should
TLS try to send the data to the TCP port-based dissectors in this case?
Here is an example TLS+Zabbix capture file with embedded secrets:
Markku (and sorry for any misformatted emails, I'm still trying to find
the correct way to write the emails in Thunderbird so that they format
nicely in list archive as well...)
On 13.7.2023 19.14, Markku Leiniö wrote:
On 13.7.2023 18.10, John Thacker wrote:
1. Register the non TLS version in the TCP port table, have it reject
packets that are not Zabbix, the TLS heuristic dissector should pick
it up if all goes well and forward it along after dissecting the TLS
portion. Sounds like that worked for you on Lua, so it should work here.
In my current code
btw) I return 0 as soon as I see the packet is not Zabbix (= mismatch
in magic values), but apparently that does not cause the TLS dissector
to kick in.
2. Register the TLS version in the TCP port and a heuristic dissector
for Zabbix; if the non TLS protocol doesn't look like TLS, the TLS
dissector should reject it, and your heuristic dissector should pick
it up.
That's something that I will have to still try, I believe
README.heuristic will help me here.
3. Register some kind of helper dissector to the TCP port that can
detect whether this is straight Zabbix or TLS, calling the TLS
dissector if necessary. This can end up making `pinfo->layers` have
an extra entry, especially for the first TLS packet in the first pass.
Probably TMI, because the first should work for you.
Could there be some other setting here now that affects the behaviour?
I do have imported my usual Wireshark profile on the development VM
that runs the compiled wireshark.exe, but I don't recognize any
setting that affects this dissector chaining.
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