You could add a preference to your dissector to only perform detailed 
dissection for a specific frame, with the default frame number being 0 so that 
by default no detailed dissection is performed for any frame. Then you just 
need to compare the frame number from the pinfo data with the frame number 
preference when deciding to perform detailed dissection or not.

Just another idea.
- Chris

- Chris
From: Wireshark-dev <> on behalf of Sake 
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Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 9:51:33 AM
To: Developer support list for Wireshark <>
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Ability to dynamically dissect in more detail?

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On 16 May 2023, at 18:27,<> 

I have a dissector. I dissect the content as delimited text. Sometimes the 
textual content has further meaning, but I only want to dissect it in further 
detail on a packet by packet basis and only if the user requests it on a 
specific packet.

The reason is that the detailed dissection requires extra information to be 
loaded and extra dissection processing. Is there any mechanism to expand a 
section only when requested? A trivial example:

One way to achieve this would be to use the C dissector only for the general 
dissection and then use a Lua script to create the detailed dissection. I'm not 
100% sure, but I assume it would be possible to have it register itself under 
tools. I do not think you can add extra fields this way, but it sounds like 
that might not be needed anyways, just a further detailed display of data in 
the packet.

Just an idea...


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