On May 29, 2021, at 12:12 AM, Anders Broman <a.broma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Shouldn't the caller be calling with the right data type or NULL? So a bug in 
> the MQTT disector?

How can the MQTT dissector determine what the right data type *is* - especially 
given that the dissectors aren't wired in, there's a UAT preference that lets 
the user configure it.

This is where the current mechanism for passing data between dissectors goes 
crashing to the ground.

MQTT passes a topic string, which is just a string, to the dissectors it calls.

JSON expects to be passed a pointer to an http_message_info_t.

JSON registers its non-heuristic dissector by name, and allows it to be used 
with Decode As... for UDP ports.

It might *look* safe if you check the UDP dissector and the dissectors that use 
"media_type" and "grpc_message_type", but the "registers its non-heuristic 
dissector by name" mean there are no guarantees, given that another dissector 
that passes a pointer to something *other* than an http_message_info_t to 
dissectors that are specified by name in a UAT.
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