
(1)  building Wireshark in build.wireshark fails
The solution here is to use "build" as the name of the build directory and
then make succeeds. Otherwise, if the build directory has some other name
like build.wireshark then make fails at about 70% when building qtui.

Why do I want to name build as build.wireshark? Preference. Also, it also
helps me to manage builds for other projects in the same parent directory.

[Is it okay to stick in another question here? Or should I post a separate
new question?]

(2) how to get dissector details without packet
I see there is "Decode as ..." in the Analzye menu of Wireshark. That looks
very useful. I think I can use that to get Wireshark to ... uh well ...
decode an already decoded packet as something else.

But what about something that shows me what Wireshark thinks about a
dissector even without a packet? Is that possible? Can Wireshark show me
the details of a dissector without a packet to dissect? I think that might
be hard or impractical to do. For those details I should look at the
dissector source code or, even better, generate a packet.

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