
You could instead think about adding to the user guide, where this stuff should 
be in the first place.


> On 29 Mar 2021, at 08:36, Jirka Novak <j.no...@netsystem.cz> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I'm working on VoIP dialogs for several weeks. RTP Player was
> significantly changed, there are more available actions in other VoIP
> dialogs too and I plan to update wiki pages for it.
>  What I found is that e.g. RTP Player changes are so big that it is
> difficult to describe current behaving and new behaving on one page.
>  My proposal is to create "version 2" wiki pages for that dialogs.
> Version 1 will up to 3.4, version 2 will be from 3.5.
>  Does this idea fits into Wireshark's wiki concept?
>  If so, the question is how to connect new pages to global list of
> pages in wiki to make it clear?
>  Any comment welcomed.
>                                       Best regards,
>                                               Jirka Novak

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