Talking about your options:
1) my concern here is that we would have 2 repos, with parallel lifecycles,
that are not enforced to stay aligned. A change in a dissector would
benefit from a test case, but such a testcase in happy-shark would be
proposed after the code merge in the main repo. That would slow down the
process, wouldn't it?
2) this is the current situation. Ideal in the sense that a change carries
the code and the testcase. Suboptimal because as soon as the
testcases grow, the repo gets too heavy, as you said.

If the concern is not to make the repo too heavy we may investigate other
options as well.
1) use git submodules
2) use git lfs
Option 2 sounds promising: "Git Large File Storage (LFS) replaces large
files such as audio samples, videos, datasets, and graphics with text
pointers inside Git". We do have a dataset. Moreover supports
Unfortunately I don't have direct experience with either submodules and
lfs, hence I cannot provide more than just raw ideas.

On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 6:25 PM Gerald Combs <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Years ago we added a repository for dissector regression tests at
> Unfortunately it hasn't
> received much attention, and instead we've been adding dissector tests in
> the main repository. Should we
> - Import happy-shark into GitLab and move our current dissector tests
> there?
> - Retire happy-shark and do all of our testing in the main repository?
> - Something else?
> I'm leaning toward the first option for the simple reason that it will
> minimize the number of files we accrue in test/captures.
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