On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 09:36:33PM -0800, Guy Harris wrote:
> On Dec 20, 2016, at 8:31 PM, Moshe <m...@moshekaplan.com> wrote:
> > I've been working on adding Wireshark to Google's oss-fuzz project
> What do you mean by "Wireshark"?
> There are at least two parts of Wireshark that deal with externally-supplied 
> data and can be fuzz-tested:
>       1) the libwiretap library, which reads capture files, and has to deal 
> with potentially-malformed file formats;
>       2) the libwireshark library, which is handed blobs of raw packet data 
> and packet metadata including (but not limited to) the link-layer header type 
> of the packet data - that data usually comes from a capture file read by 
> libwiretap, but it doesn't *have* to.

>From the efforts that I have seen, Moshe seems to be targeting the
dissectors functions. Since these may appear over the network, it is
probably one of the more interesting parts to tackle first.
Kind regards,
Peter Wu
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