On Dec 3, 2015, at 7:29 AM, Tim Furlong <dev.null.2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> One of the biggest challenges you'll face in this is that the code to parse 
> radiotap is in epan/dissectors and gets compiled into libwireshark; you won't 
> want to pull libwireshark in to editcap (it'd kind of defeat the purpose of 
> editcap).

The code to parse radiotap could be used as the basis for code in editcap, but 
that would be necessary only if the goal were to make it possible to read a 
pcap or pcapng file with radiotap headers and write it out as a *Peek file, not 
if the goal is to read 802.11 *Peek files and write them out as pcap or pcapng 
files with radiotap headers.

> Didn't locate the airopeek code, but believe it's in libwiretap, which should 
> be fine.

There are two *Peek file formats: the "classic" one and the "tagged" one.  In 
releases up to including 2.0, the radio information in "classic" files was 
parsed in libwireshark; in the current master branch, it's parsed in 
libwiretap.  In 2.0 and later, radio information in "tagged" files is parsed in 

> Also, I don't know if there's code to generate radiotap headers,

There is.

It's in kernel-mode code in Linux, {Free,Net,Open,DragonFly}BSD, and OS X, not 
in Wireshark, however.

> though I'd be inclined to follow through what wireshark does when doing a 
> wi-fi capture to try and find it (well, doing the capture first to confirm 
> that it.

What Wireshark does when doing a capture on any network device is "run dumpcap".

> Actually, come to think of it, if you can do wi-fi capture with dumpcap, then 
> there is probably code somewhere to write radiotap without going to 
> libwireshark, so you might be in luck - though you'd 

What dumpcap does when doing a capture on any network device is "use 

What libpcap does when doing a capture on any network device is "use the native 
packet capture mechanism".

What the native packet capture mechanism does is "rely on the driver for the 
network adapter".

So you won't find the code to write radiotap headers code anywhere in the 
Wireshark source, including dumpcap, or in libpcap; you'll have to look at 
either device drivers, or the common radiotap-writing code they use, in various 
OS kernels.

> For translating from airopeek, though, as Guy indicated, you're likely going 
> to do the heavy lifting on that yourself.

If the libwiretap link-layer header type is WTAP_ENCAP_IEEE_802_11_WITH_RADIO, 
then programs reading packets with libwiretap, including editcap, get handed a 
"pseudo-header" that contains the parsed radio metadata.  In the master branch, 
all AiroPeek and OmniPeek 802.11 captures will have a link-layer header type of 
WTAP_ENCAP_IEEE_802_11_WITH_RADIO and will provide that pseudo-header, so what 
you'd do is take the data from that pseudo-header and write it out, if 
possible, as a radiotap header.

I say "if possible" because, for example, the fields

    guint8   signal_percent; /* Signal level, as a percentage */
    guint8   noise_percent;  /* Noise level, as a percentage */

in the radio metadata pseudo-header *cannot* be written to a radiotap header; 
radiotap only supports reporting signal and noise levels as dBm or as dB 
relative to an arbitrary reference point, *not* as a percentage.
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