On 12 August 2015 at 18:37, Guy Harris <g...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:

> On Aug 12, 2015, at 10:18 AM, Graham Bloice <graham.blo...@trihedral.com>
> wrote:
> > FYI Windows CMake doesn't currently seem to configure without Qt, I'm
> not too fussed about that as on Windows the Qt version is the main build.
> ...and people are probably a *lot* less likely to want CLI-only builds on
> Windows than on UN*X (on UN*X, we need to support them; people often want
> to build TShark for headless machines).
> That might change some day for, say, headless Windows machines (I always
> find the notion of "headless Windows" amusing; in the world of the Internet
> of Things, if things go the way Microsoft wants them to, more machines
> running "Windows" may be incapable of displaying actual *windows* than
> capable of displaying them).
Good point, I forgot about folks wanting to build only tshark.  IIRC the
issue is that some of the CMake tasks to copy the 3rd party DLL's etc. seem
to complain if Qt isn't found.  Should be able to fix that up.

Graham Bloice
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