On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 09:26:42PM -0700, Guy Harris wrote:
  | On Jul 21, 2015, at 7:53 PM, Luke Mewburn <l...@mewburn.net> wrote:
  | > I've been experiencing weird issues running my Mac OS X builds of
  | > wireshark compiled with Qt 5.2 from Homebrew.

Correcting myself: the Homebrew version is Qt 5.4.2.

  | How does it work when compiled with Qt 5.3.2 or 5.5.0 from qt.io?
  | (5.5.0 won't work if you're using Snow Leopard.)

No luck (further details below).

I suspect that this Qt bug (QTBUG-34160) may not be easily worked-around
within Wireshark without radical menu reorganisation.


I tried building against 5.5.0 from qt.io
after disabling the homebrew version in /usr/local,
but it's been a bit of a hassle to get it to build and link.

I think the pkg-config .pc files that are shipped with the qt.io are
broken (that's an Qt5.5.0 upstream problem).
I had to manually edit Makefile and ui/qt/Makefile and
add -F and various -I to CXXFLAGS, and fix incorrectly escaped
-framework\ FOO (remove the \ between "-framework" and the argument).

After all of that, when I finally got it to build & link against Qt5.5.0,
I still get the same 4 insertNative warnings.
(The main menu bar doesn't change to Wireshark's until I switch focus
away and back, but that's an orthogonal problem.)

(Given the hassle of building against the upstream version 5.5.0 and
that it doesn't resolve the problem, I'm going back to the Homebrew


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