Hi Pascal,


at first I’ve spotted two additional functions that are missing or have changed 
the semantic.


In old dissector I have a construct

       if (check_col(m_pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL))

       {      // column is displayed

             col_set_str(m_pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "my protocol");



The check_col function is not available anymore. How to fill the protocol 


And the second question is about TCP stream dissection. The function 
tcp_dissect_pdus has changed parameters and the signature of new_dissector_t 
isn’t clear. Wasn’t it the job of the get_pdu_len function to get the correct 
number of byte of a pdu?


Best regards



From: wireshark-dev-boun...@wireshark.org 
[mailto:wireshark-dev-boun...@wireshark.org] On Behalf Of Pascal Quantin
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 7:04 PM
To: Developer support list for Wireshark
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Migrating dissector to WS 1.12


Hi Helge,


2015-05-20 18:46 GMT+02:00 Helge Kruse <helge.kr...@gmx.net>:


I am migrating from WS 1.6 to WS 1.12 skipping all version between.
I have some code that uses functions that are not available in the
current version. How can I find how this functions are replaced by newer

Example: tvb_get_ephemeral_string()


This one is replaced by 
tvb_get_string_enc(wmem_packet_scope(),tvb,offset,length, ENC_ASCII | ENC_NA);

Conversions from older to newer APIs are not veery well documented 
unfortunately. You can easily find them by doing searches in git hitory, or if 
the list is not too long you can ask on this mailing list.



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