
I want to add new menu in Wireshark for Bluetooth (in February). It
will be menu on the right of "Telephony" in main menu. It will be
named "Bluetooth". For now I have prepared only one entry for this
menu, but I have ideas for another 3 new windows (3 "summary" dialogs
and 1 graph), so I prefer to add Bluetooth menu now, then I will add
new entries/dialogues next month(s). Of course there are ideas for
another features, but those 4 will be done soon.

What do you think? I think only about Qt UI, should I also do that for GTK?

If so... there is another question: what about create "shortcut" to
other... "menu entries"? For example: In file menu there is "Export
Objects -> ..." so some of "..." can be put also in Bluetooth menu. Or
there is "RTP Player" in telephony, so it also works for Bluetooth (in
case that is not related to telephony at all so Bluetooth user may do
not know about this functionality).

Also I think about "Miscellaneous" menu for everything that is not
Telephony, Bluetooth or Statistics. I have idea to implement ADB
(Android Debug Bridge) Framebuffer Player. It will play or show frame
of framebuffer found in logs. ADB is currently supported over USB and
TCP layer.
This is the feature for future (but not so far; near; this year?) but
let discuss it now may be good idea.


Pozdrawiam / Best regards
Michał Łabędzki, Software Engineer
Tieto Corporation

Product Development Services

http://www.tieto.com / http://www.tieto.pl
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