
2014-10-26 19:58 GMT+01:00 Bálint Réczey <bal...@balintreczey.hu>:
> 2014-10-08 11:41 GMT+02:00 Michal Labedzki <michal.labed...@tieto.com>:
>> On 7 October 2014 19:29, Guy Harris <g...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
>>>         2) somebody resolved the conflicts but forgot to edit the commit 
>>> message.
>> I think this is wrong meaning  of this git feature. In my opinion
>> "Conflicts: " should not be deleted, because it is added by git after
>> resolving conflicts, so it does not mean that file has conflicts but
>> "there were conflicts in specified files, they was solved, but this
>> commit may be not compatible with original commit in these files"
>> (please note: there can be "Conflicts: FILE_NAME" on file that is not
>> in commit. This is possible because conflicts can be solved in way
>> that file is unchanged in that branch [quite often case])
> +1
I would like to keep the "Conflicts: ..." parts in the commit messages
the way git generates them automatically because IMO the widely
accepted interpretation and intended meaning is what Michal described.

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