On 12/13/13 06:32, Vishnu Bhatt wrote:

Thanks for the help.

After replacing the Wireshark.spec.in file from 1.8.6 to 1.10.3, my
system was able to locate Wireshark. Actually in 1.10.3,
Wireshark.spec.in does not keep the wireshark exe by default at
/usr/bin, instead it installs them to the path given by --prefix which
was given at the time of ./configure. I don't know why this time
/usr/bin has been removed.

Because people have said that the RPM build should follow what is ./configure'd. Actually I think the documentation even said that the RPM followed ./configure's prefix but I broke that for a while...

By the way what is Wireshark.desktop, what role does it play?

That file is what tells your desktop environment (GNOME, KDE, MATE) about Wireshark. It gives you, for example, a nice nice Wireshark item in Applications->System Tools (that's where Fedora puts it, not where our wireshark.desktop file puts it). It also associates certain file types with Wireshark so that you can double click on a *.pcap file in your file browser and it will open Wireshark (this also requires the wireshark-mime-package.xml file).

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