
> On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 7:54 PM, Gerald Combs <ger...@wireshark.org> wrote:
>> About half of our coloring rules are for various Bluetooth protocols.
>> Would anyone object to moving them to a Bluetooth-specific global
>> configuration profile? I don't think they belong in the default profile
>> but I'd rather not get rid of them entirely.
> The person to ask is Michal Labedzki, since he's done most of the work
> on Bluetooth (including the many colour filters). I don't know if he's
> subscribed to this list or not.

I am here.

What exactly "move to Bluetooth specific global configuration profile" means?
Now using Wireshark is flexible: I open Bluetooth logs or eth-logs in another
Wireshark session. Also remember about possibility to see Bluetooth protocols
over USB. After move I must any time switch to Bluetooth profile? Also must copy
defaults colors to Bluetooth profile, because network payload is possible over
Bluetooth interface (TCP, etc.. see btbnep [BNEP protocol]). Last small thing:
Bluetooth payload is also possible over network payload (for example WiFi/WLAN: 
partially by btamp and bt-oui).

I think current state of comfortable. If there any performance or stylish reason
to move it?

Why is there a lot of Bluetooth colors? Bluetooth stack is quite hermetic, every
protocol is some specific functionality. Colors significantly increase
readability. I will use Wireshark to analyze Bluetooth payloads and fixing bugs,
so you can assume that colors are verified in practice.

PS. Please remember that I am open to all suggestions or new ideas. So, I do 
not miss something here?
PS 2. There is last miss color for AVDTP. Could anyone see patch 4: 
https://bugs.wireshark.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=7893 Good news: There is no 
new color to add in near future. That is all.

Pozdrawiam / Best regards
Michał Łabędzki, Software Engineer
Tieto Corporation
Product Engineering Services
http://www.tieto.com / http://www.tieto.pl
ASCII: Michal Labedzki
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