Hi, all
Now, i want to convert "tshark" to a library(I can use it in my code). Here is
the steps what I did:
1 Made a tshark.c copy which was called "tshark_bk.c??; Modified the entrance
function "main" to the any other name, such as "tshark_entrance".
2 Added the following statement to the Makefile.am which is at the top directory
lib_LTLIBRARIES = libtshark.la
libtshark_la_SOURCES = tshark_bk.c capture_opts.c cfile.c print.c ps.c
disabled_protos.c capture_sync.c capture-pcap-util.c \
sync_pipe_write.c version_info.c clopts_common.c
frame_data_sequence.c capture_ui_utils.c capture_ifinfo.c \
ui/cli/tshark-tap-register.c ui/cli/tap-expert.c
ui/cli/tap-radiusstat.c ui/cli/tap-rpcstat.c ui/cli/tap-smbstat.c \
ui/cli/tap-camelsrt.c ui/cli/tap-mgcpstat.c
ui/cli/tap-funnel.c ui/cli/tap-follow.c ui/cli/tap-httpstat.c \
ui/cli/tap-rtspstat.c ui/cli/tap-sctpchunkstat.c
ui/cli/tap-camelcounter.c ui/cli/tap-rtp.c ui/cli/tap-stats_tree.c \
ui/cli/tap-h225counter.c ui/cli/tap-dcerpcstat.c
ui/cli/tap-hosts.c ui/cli/tap-ansi_astat.c ui/cli/tap-megacostat.c \
ui/cli/tap-protohierstat.c ui/cli/tap-h225rassrt.c
ui/cli/tap-smbsids.c ui/cli/tap-gsm_astat.c ui/cli/tap-icmpv6stat.c \
ui/cli/tap-icmpstat.c ui/cli/tap-macltestat.c
ui/cli/tap-rlcltestat.c ui/cli/tap-protocolinfo.c ui/cli/tap-diameter-avp.c\
ui/cli/tap-rpcprogs.c ui/cli/tap-afpstat.c
ui/cli/tap-comparestat.c ui/cli/tap-iostat.c ui/cli/tap-scsistat.c \
ui/cli/tap-bootpstat.c ui/cli/tap-sv.c
ui/cli/tap-wspstat.c ui/cli/tap-iousers.c ui/cli/tap-sipstat.c
timestats.c tap-rtp-common.c tempfile.c
tap-megaco-common.c ui/util.c
capture-wpcap.c wsutil/file_util.c
3 Then, compiled.
I encountered a err: wsutil/file_util.c is for win32, and it is the only
implement of "ws_module_open" in whole source code!!!
So, i was confused. Can somebody help me?
By the way, after wireshark is compiled, the output execute file "tshark" and
"wireshark" are a shell script file before "make install"...
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