... or is this the, "we're not allowed to distribute them" problem?
- Chris
From: wireshark-dev-boun...@wireshark.org [wireshark-dev-boun...@wireshark.org] 
On Behalf Of Maynard, Chris [christopher.mayn...@gtech.com]
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 9:18 PM
To: wireshark-dev@wireshark.org
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] [Wireshark-commits] rev 45113: /trunk/ /trunk/:    

Should the supported vcredist_*.exe's be downloaded during the setup step?
- Chris

From: wireshark-commits-boun...@wireshark.org 
[wireshark-commits-boun...@wireshark.org] On Behalf Of ger...@wireshark.org 
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 6:57 PM
To: wireshark-comm...@wireshark.org
Subject: [Wireshark-commits] rev 45113: /trunk/ /trunk/: config.nmake


User: gerald
Date: 2012/09/24 03:57 PM

 Look in $(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\vcredist_$(MSVC_VARIANT) for
 the MSVC redistributable package, then look in the top-level
 $(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR). This lets us more easily use multiple compilers
 with the same library directory.

Directory: /trunk/
  Changes    Path            Action
  +13 -3     config.nmake    Modified

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