On May 26, 2012, at 9:59 PM, Dipanjan Das wrote:

> I am yet keen to know who are the core Wireshark developers

As Evan Huus said in his response the previous time you asked these questions:


http://wiki.wireshark.org/Developers is the page that lists the core developers.

> & if there is any way to find out the commits made by any one of the 
> community developers.

If you want to see *all* the commits, subscribe to the wireshark-commits list, 
and look at the archives of the list:


but it's a list that gets a message *every time a developer checks something 
in*, so it's a bit of a high-volume list and you might not want to subscribe to 
it, and there have been a lot of commits in the past, so you might not want to 
browse through the archives.

If you want to know what commits are made by a particular developer, then you 
can try to search for them on Ohloh:


and, if they have an entry, it might have a link for Wireshark commits - for 
example, the entry for Gerald Combs has such a link:


However, as they say, "Due to perf issues, we only show the last 300 days of 
commit activity", so you won't be able to find every commit they've ever made.

And, frankly, for any developer who's made a significant number of commits, you 
will very quickly become extremely bored if you look at a list of their commits,
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