> -----Original Message-----
> From: wireshark-dev-boun...@wireshark.org [mailto:wireshark-dev-
> boun...@wireshark.org] On Behalf Of Guy Harris
> Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 3:24 PM
> To: Developer support list for Wireshark
> Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] [Wireshark-commits] rev 40644:
> /trunk/epan/dissectors/ /trunk/epan/dissectors/: packet-pgm.c
> On Jan 23, 2012, at 12:08 PM, Maynard, Chris wrote:
> > Now it displays as follows for me:
> > ????? ????????          <DXDragon [AT] yandex.ru>
> What software is displaying it?
> At least in Mac OS X 10.6.8 when running commands in Terminal, both
> "more" (which, in honor of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, is really just
> another link to "less") and "egrep", display it as "Роман Донченко".
> My microEMACS also displays it as "Роман Донченко", but would probably
> not do a very good job of letting me edit it.
> Perhaps the software that's displaying it that way is mapping all bytes
> with the 8th bit set to "?" - in which case it'll probably show Michael
> Tüxen's name with ?'s in it as well.

I am currently on Windows XP SP3, x86 using cygwin bash shell 
(4.1.10(4)-release (i686-pc-cygwin)) and vim (7.3).  Michael's name displays 
properly, but not Роман's, although, as you can (hopefully) see, I can 
successfully copy his name and paste to e-mail.  And, as Tony Trinh mentioned, 
I can also copy it into plain old notepad (which isn't the normal editor I 
use), and notepad++ v5.9.8 (Unicode) displays it correctly as well.

Cygwin bash:
$ export | grep LANG
declare -x LANG="C.UTF-8"
$ grep "DXDragon" AUTHORS
????? ????????          <DXDragon [AT] yandex.ru>

Windows cmd:
C:\wireshark>type AUTHORS
Роман Донченко             <DXDragon [AT] yandex.ru>

Btw, I get the same results on a different PC running Windows 7 64.

I guess I can use notepad++ from now on for this type of editing, but if you've 
got any ideas as to how to get it work under cygwin, that would be appreciated.
- Chris


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