On Dec 9, 2011, at 3:11 PM, Akos Vandra wrote:

> For my thesis project I am trying to get a new type of data source,
> ARM TPIU trace messages to work with wireshark.
> I am starting of getting the hang of how libpcap works, however a
> strange problem arose, that I don't know how would be best handled.
> "On the wire", there are fix, 16-byte frames. However these frames
> don't contain any useful data, they only act as a container for
> smaller data packets, which are packed, and sent together.


> Also, sometimes these
> "sub-packets" are not within a single 16-byte frame, sometimes they
> are split, if the remaining space in the 16-byte frame is too small
> for the packet to fit.

So if those 16-byte frames have no internal structure (for example, you don't 
have a time stamp in each frame), but are just like, for example, the line 
boundaries in a hex dump, my inclination would be to have the pcap module break 
the byte stream into packets, even if that means that it needs to buffer a 
partial packet in a case where a 16-byte frame contains the beginning of a 
packet but not the end of the packet.
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