On 23/08/2011 10:34, lookfar wrote:
> Hi,Dear friends:
> I'm a beginner in wireshark.And I 'm from china.
> my version is wireshark-1.7.0-SVN-38520.
> the error is :
> E:\wireshark-1.7.0-SVN-38520\epan\dissectors>nmake -f Makefile.nmake
> Microsoft (R) 程序维护实用工具 9.00.30729.01 版
> 版权所有(C) Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。
> Making register.c (using python)
>   File "../../tools/make-dissector-reg.py", line 62
>     print "Unknown output type '%s'" % registertype
>                                    ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> NMAKE : fatal error U1077: “D:\Python32\python.exe”: 返回代码“0x1”
> Stop.
<SNIP of repeated copies of the same error>
> the end of error.
> it's ok after I restore the file using the original packet_ppp.c file in
> zipfile .
> I'm wondering the relation between python file and C source file,Is it some
> fixed rule in parsing dissector source file to build register code?
> thanks
> I'm in hurry,if you are able to do me a favour,please!!!!
> Michael
1st point, normally you would run nmake from the top level directory in the
sources, not down in epan\dissectors, but I don't think that's causing your 

2nd point, yes the python script builds register.c by parsing all the
dissector sources for dissector registration calls.

3rd point, you're using Python 3.2, the Developers Guid states that Python 2.7
should be used.  The error reported suggest the python interpreter found a
syntax in the script so I think there is some 3.2 incompatibility here.


Graham Bloice

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