Alexander Koeppe <format_c@...> writes:

> Ah thanks. Sorry but I wasn't aware of it.
> Unfortunately I receive an "Access Denied" page for some protocols e.g.
> IPv6. I think this is some kind of the business model of INACON, isn't it?

Right.  They only provide some protocol help for free.  For the rest, you need
to purchase one of their licenses to access them.  More details here:  But this is why I created
the wireshark.ini help file submitted in bug 4870.  For IPv6, wireshark.ini's
help would bring you to  This is nowhere near as
good as Inacon's help would be, I'm sure, but it's better than no help at all,
in my opinion.

I had actually considered adding other protocol help files as well, such as
networksorcery.ini and rfc.ini, but I was waiting to hear back about
wireshark.ini first, and well, there didn't appear to be any interest, so I
never went any farther with them.

If you've never visited Network Sorcery's protocol help though, it's pretty good
for being free, and they have a lot more protocols available for help than
Inacon offers (for free at least).  IPv6 is described on their page here: 

The idea behind the rfc.ini protocol help file would be to bring you directly to
the relevant RFC.  So, for IPv6, it would bring you here:  Of course not all protocols are described
by RFC's; so it might be better to name the protocol help file as spec.ini or
something more generic like that, or just keep them separated as rfc.ini,
3gpp.ini, ansi.ini, ...

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