On Aug 18, 2010, at 12:30 AM, upendra.a...@wipro.com wrote:

> Thanks a lot for you reply.
> Let me put my question more clearly.
> In my current Wireshark, when decoding my own plug-ins, the order of
> dissection is:
> Frame
> Ethernet
> Internet Protocol
> User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
> My-plugin
> Now for dissecting My-plugin, I have to dissect from Ethernet to
> My-plugin every time.

Yes, that's the way Wireshark works.

> All my plug-ins is on top IP layer (either on UDP
> or on SCTP). Now for decoding My-plugin every time I have to start
> decoding from a common Data Link type (Ethernet) which is time
> consuming. So I want to know that is it possible to directly decode
> My-plugin?

Not if your capture file is a capture of Ethernet traffic.  Wireshark cannot 
magically figure out that a given Ethernet packet happens to contain an IP 
packet without, at minimum, looking at the Ethernet type/length field; it 
cannot figure out that a given IP packet is a UDP packet without, at minimum, 
looking at the IP protocol number field; and it cannot figure out that a given 
UDP packet is a packet for your protocol without, at minimum, looking at either 
the UDP port numbers (if your dissector is registered with a UDP port or you've 
used Decode As) or the contents of the payload (if your dissector is a 
heuristic dissector).
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