On Jul 10, 2010, at 3:22 PM, Maverick wrote:

> I am new to wireshark source code and looking for some advice. Is it possible 
> to borrow wireshark code to do application level processing e.g use wireshark 
> voip or p2p code to implement in my own program to do processing on pcap 
> captures. Can someone direct me to a guide and tutorial that do that kind 
> work. I would really appreciate it.

Unfortunately, it's not easy to take small bits of Wireshark code out of the 
program and use it, which is why no such guide exists, and, therefore, why 
nobody can direct you to it.

First of all, if you're planning on using the statistics, etc. part of analysis 
of VoIP and P2P protocols, you still need the dissectors for those protocols.  
Furthermore, you would need more than the dissectors for the VoIP and P2P 
protocols, you need all the protocols below them - and, by the time you're 
done, you have something that's essentially "Wireshark with some protocol 
dissectors missing", which isn't that different from "Wireshark with some 
protocol dissectors disabled", which you can do without modifying the Wireshark 
code, but it wouldn't help the "big files" problem, which is presumably the 
problem you're ultimately trying to solve here.
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