On Apr 15, 2010, at 12:42 PM, Bill Meier wrote:

> From README.developer
> "For FT_BOOLEAN fields that are also bitfields (i.e. 'bitmask' is 
> non-zero), 'display' is used to tell the proto_tree how wide the parent 
> bitfield is."
> "With integers this is not needed since the type of integer itself
> (FT_UINT8, FT_UINT16, FT_UINT24, FT_UINT32, etc.) tells the proto_tree 
> how wide the parent bitfield is.".
> and
> "Additionally, BASE_NONE is used for 'display' as a NULL-value. That is, 
> for non-integers other than FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME fields, and non-bitfield
> FT_BOOLEANs, you'll want to use BASE_NONE in the 'display' field.  You 
> may not use BASE_NONE for integers.

I've updated README.developer a bit more - and renamed FIELDBASE to 
FIELDDISPLAY, as it's not a base for some fields.
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