On Jan 7, 2010, at 1:48 AM, p...@wsh.sbrk.co.uk wrote:

> TCP has a tcp_dissect_pdus() function that higher protocols can use
> to  eliminate their dependency on the TCP framing. Is there anything
> generic for other layers? I'm writing a USB dissector which is really
> a serial protocol being transported over USB.




If so, and if you're reassembling the packets in a burst transfer, this isn't a 
byte stream, so you can ignore the TCP dissector, and look instead at the IP 
dissector for an example.  It's not *quite* the same as IP, as

        1) you have sequence numbers rather than byte offsets, so you'd use 
fragment_add_seq_check() rather than fragment_add_check();

        2) the sequence number wraps around, so you'd have to keep some state 
and provide a "synthesized" sequence number that doesn't wrap around.
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