John McHugh wrote:
> I am working with network data from various sources, captured at  
> various locations.  Most of the tools I use allow (or require) me to  
> display the times as UTC, allowing easy comparisons as well as  
> discussions with colleagues who are working in other time zones.
> Why is it not possible to set the time of day display in wireshark to  
> display in UTC in addition to (or instead of) displaying in the local  
> time zone (which is completely irrelevant to the analysis). Providing  
> this facility would greatly simplify portable analysis of network data  
> and should be trivial as parallel display routines for local and UTC  
> display are readily available. I have not examined the source  
> carefully, but suspect that the addition of UTC display should be  
> fairly simple.

There's an enhancement open to implement that:
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