Hi Wireshark Dev List,

We have a network with DNP3.0 that is using UDP.  We have a gateway device 
that communicates to a collections of RTUs (RTU = Remote Terminal Unit, a 
device on the DNP3.0 network) over a serial radio-modem network and we 
talk to the gateway using UDP / IP.

The DNP3.0 dissector uses the standard calls to find_conversation etc... 
and fragment_add_seq_next etc... to do application layer frame re-assembly 
as follows:

      if (! (tr_fir && tr_fin))
        /* A fragmented packet */
        pinfo->fragmented = TRUE;

        /* Look up the conversation to get the fragment reassembly id */
        conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->fd->num, &pinfo->src, 
          pinfo->ptype, pinfo->srcport, pinfo->destport, 0);

        if (conversation == NULL) {
          /* No conversation yet, so make one */
          conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->fd->num,  &pinfo->src, 
&pinfo->dst, pinfo->ptype,
            pinfo->srcport, pinfo->destport, 0);

        conv_data_ptr = 
(dnp3_conv_t*)conversation_get_proto_data(conversation, proto_dnp3);

        if (conv_data_ptr == NULL) {
          /* New data structure required */
          conv_data_ptr = se_alloc(sizeof(dnp3_conv_t));

          /*** Increment static global fragment reassembly id ***/
          conv_data_ptr->conv_seq_number = seq_number++;

          conversation_add_proto_data(conversation, proto_dnp3, (void 
        conv_seq_number = conv_data_ptr->conv_seq_number;

        * Add the frame to
        * whatever reassembly is in progress, if any, and see
        * if it's done.

        frag_msg = fragment_add_seq_next(al_tvb, 0, pinfo, 
            tvb_reported_length(al_tvb), /* As this is a constructed tvb, 
all of it is ok */

        next_tvb = process_reassembled_data(al_tvb, 0, pinfo,
            "Reassembled DNP 3.0 Application Layer message", frag_msg, 
            &update_col_info, tr_tree);

Unfortunately this does not take into account the fact that over the same 
IP address / port number pairs we may receive messages from many different 
source RTUs that should be treated as separate conversations.  The problem 
we have at the moment is that we are getting fragment re-assembly 
occurring for fragments from difference RTUs.

Is there a standard way to handle situations like this?  If so can someone 
point me to the correct dissector to look at?

We can provide packet captures that demonstrate the issue if desired.   It 
is considered acceptable to attach a .pcap file to a posting to this 
mailing list?

Thanks in advance,

Kelvin Proctor
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