On Jun 18, 2009, at 1:43 PM, Jonathan Walker (c) wrote:

>    When creating and registering a new header field array in a plug- 
> in, does the size of the array have to be exactly the same as the  
> number of used fields?

No.  This is C, not PL/I :-), so if you pass an array (which really  
means passing a pointer to the first element of the array) to a  
function, the function has no idea how big the array actually is.

> For example, I created a hf array as follows:
>       static hf_register_info hf[MAX_FIELDS];
> I plan to fill up a certain variable amount of fields (up to  
> “cur_field”) less than MAX_FIELDS, and then register the first  
> cur_field amount of values of the array as follows:
>       proto_register_field_array(proto_shsip, hf, cur_field);
> However, I’m getting a run-time error upon trying to click a field  
> in Wireshark, and I was wondering if this is the problem.

Probably not.  What is the run-time error?
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